Foster Care

Identifying and Training the First Foster Families in Catacamas
Only 28 days old, Sebastian had been abandoned by his birth mother. Through our Foster Care Program, he was placed with a loving, Christian home in Catacamas. Families are recruited from local churches and trained by our FLM staff and DINAF (Honduras Child Services) to care for infants and toddlers. These families receive extensive training to become a foster family. Family Life Missions provides the families with needed resources such as milk, diapers, clothing, and medical attention. We also offer therapeutic intervention and family counseling as part of the regular follow-up process.
We are one of the first organizations in Honduras to provide Foster Care and have been accredited by DINAF. What began as a pilot program has now become an important part of what we do to serve the vulnerable and abandoned children in Catacamas. By providing foster care for a child, we are placing him in a family where he can grow and thrive.
We are placing children in families through Foster Care! Watch our video to learn more!