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Our Valuable Treasures


By José Chinchilla, National Director, Honduras

En Español

"People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10 13-14 NIV.

When we reread these passages, one of the things that we may observe and infer in the times of Jesus is how the children were rejected, vulnerable and disadvantaged. Society in those times saw children, widows, orphans and disabled children as unworthy to get close to Jesus and receive instructions and blessings from him. Disciples and the “adult” society thought that they were the only ones worthy of Jesus. They were convinced that their way of living life was sufficient to receive God’s Word, but not the children. Society and adults can be very arrogant and overpowering and can see children as not important in society and in God’s plans for his Kingdom. Actually, the Kingdom of God is such as these and God said it firmly and for many reasons.

We see no difference in these days now. Children are being seen as something less than an adult and with no value. Children are being abused, killed and dying everyday for many reasons: sexual abuse, hunger, child sex trafficking, and child organ trafficking to mention a few. It is really sad to see society behaving as if children have no worth at all. Children are so vulnerable that they need somebody who can give them a voice and be an advocate and who can give them love and care. They eagerly want someone who can meet their needs. This is exactly what Jesus did:

"And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them."

Jesus showed the people of Israel that the children had someone who believed in them, someone who said that they were part of God's plan, and someone who said that they have worth as does every human being. Every child is part of God’s Kingdom--not just adults.

José Manuel is two years old and he is part of our “Por Los Niños” program. He is being taught that God values him and that he is part of God’s plan. Every day he is growing in the stature of Jesus. We at Family Life Missions believe that every child is worthy and valuable for society. We strongly believe that children, created in the image of God, have something to say in this broken world. This is why we believe in José Manuel. Because one day he will grow up and remember that he has a special role in this world.

We all should be part of the lives of these valuable children, one way or another. It is our responsibility to give them a voice, love, care, worth, dignity and to be an advocate. I invite you to be part of those who value children--those who put hope in the lives of these children!