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An Attitude of Gratitude

By Lisa Steele
FLM Executive Director

En Español

attitude of gratitudeWe hear that phrase often: “Have an attitude of gratitude”.

That can be challenging in today’s world! However, despite all of the uncertainties and difficulties surrounding us, I am finding much to be thankful for.

I am thankful that my family is healthy and safe. My daughter is due to deliver our third grandchild in September and they are doing well. We are grateful for their health as well as all of our grandchildren and family members. And thousands of miles away I have gratitude for the health and safety of our children, caregivers, and staff living at our Por Los Niños village in Catacamas, Honduras.

Life at PLN looks a bit different these days. Our children are “doing school” in their homes under the oversight of our teachers and caregivers, much like many children in the U.S. are doing. They are not going outside of our PLN village for any field trips or other needs. That means haircuts are being done by our staff onsite and all of their recreational activities are being done within the safety of our secure village.

One thing that does not look different is that God is providing for our every need! He is using our faithful supporters to make provision for our children, caregivers, and families. As a bird lover, I enjoy watching birds come to my feeders in my backyard. I love watching the different types and sizes of birds. I love listening to their joyful chirping. I often think of how God’s Word tells us: “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26). This reminds of a hymn I remember singing at church many times in my life. I’m sure many others remember it, too.

Why should I feel discouraged,
Why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely,
And long for Heav’n and home,
When Jesus is my portion?
My constant friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.

I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free,
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.

Let not your heart be troubled,
His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness,
I lose my doubts and fears;
Though by the path He leadeth,
But one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.

Whenever I am tempted,
Whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing,
When hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him,
From care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.

His eye is on all of us--in the U.S. and in Honduras. He watches over us today and will continue to watch over us tomorrow.
For this, I am filled with an attitude of gratitude.


His Eye Is on the Sparrow lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Universal Music Publishing Group; Songwriters: Gene Bartlett / Charles Gabriel / C.D. Martin

Together is Better

By Lisa Steele
FLM Executive Director

En Español

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.—Ecclesiastes 4:12

together is betterFrom the beginning, God let us know that team work is best. When we work in community, with God, we can accomplish great things. We see that every day in our work at Family Life Missions. Our staff works together (in the US and in Honduras) to serve vulnerable, at-risk and orphaned children and to preserve families and to place foster children in loving, Christian homes. Every month the generous gifts we receive from our supporters in both countries encourage us and allow us to continue this important work. The time, energy, and wisdom that leads our organization through our board of directors reflects a great example of teamwork.

This spirit of teamwork inspired us to form Team68:6. The team members are those who support us through donations, prayers, and service. The name of this team comes from our mission: We partner with God “to place the lonely in families,” a verse we find in Psalm 68:6. Everything we do is deeply rooted in our faith and love for God, His Word, and His love for all of us. Our vision is for hope, health and stability to define the community of Catacamas with the church leading the way. And we are the church. We are the body of Christ that forms a strong cord, deep roots, and a foundation of growth for those who desperately need help in Honduras.

We are launching our Team68:6 campaign this week and want you to join us! If you already support us—thank you! If you want to know how to help or want to help more, we thank you. You will find more information about who we are and what we are doing in Catacamas on our Team68:6 page.

Help us strengthen our cord as we all work together as a team to serve those who need it most.

Together is better.


By José Chinchilla
FLM National Director, Honduras

En Español

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 

~ Deuteronomy 6:6-7 NIV

father motherWhen Marlon was just a toddler, his parents migrated to the United States of America in search of a better life. Marlon was left in the care of his paternal grandparents. His grandparents had the option of passing him between his maternal grandparents, but they knew that it was not the best environment for Marlon to develop and be raised; therefore, they made the decision and took the responsibility to raise him. Over the years, Marlon grew in stature and knowledge and became a youth of 18-year-old with his grandparents as his parent figures. Today, Marlon is living with a woman and is expecting a son or daughter. Thank God Marlon had the love and care of his grandparents, even though he did not have that from his parents.

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A New Life

By José Chinchilla
FLM National Director, Honduras

En Español

new lifeIn his first stage of his life, Diego Josué has had the opportunity and the joy of being in a loving family, a family that has understood the call to care for the vulnerable even though they know the possibility that one day Diego might return with his biological family. "This is an act of love, not for the interest of wanting to stay with Diego" were the words of Nancy, the foster parent, when asked why she did this. Today Diego is in the hands of Rodolfo and Nancy where he will receive everything he needs to develop in a healthy way in all areas of his life: spiritual, emotional, social, physical and educational. Diego's story will be a story full of hope, redemption and transformation for his life. We thank God for affirming hearts and minds to those families who have decided to serve others.

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