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By Lisa Steele, FLM Executive Director

En Español

growingGrowing. I love this time of year where we have planted seeds and are seeing them sprout with beautiful flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Every year my family plants tomato plants that we diligently water during the hot and humid days we have in Middle Tennessee. The fruit of my labor is beginning to show this year with many flowers appearing and then tiny, green tomatoes. Over the next several weeks I will continue to grow, water, and weed my tomato garden until we can enjoy delicious, juicy fruit! This process takes time and no matter how well I plant the seeds or water the plants, I cannot make them grow any faster! As we grow in our daily lives, we see the same thing. Paul tells us in I Corinthians 3:6 “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.”

At Family Life Missions we are planting and watering seeds so that God can grow in the lives of vulnerable children and families in Catacamas. It is exciting to see how God is growing and moving in Honduras through our ministry. In the past, we have focused our growth on our Por Los Niños Residential Homes and our Holistic Care Center that serves children who have experienced the trauma of abandonment and/or abuse. Along with this mission, we have seen God provide other opportunities for us to grow through our PLN Bilingual School, Family Preservation, and Foster Care. By strengthening families, we are providing a foundation for growth. This growth empowers families to thrive in their country with safe and affordable housing, education, and tools for bettering their lives through our family workshops and resources.

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Education In Times Of COVID-19

By Marcio Matamoros, Education Coordinator

En Español

COVID 19The Covid-19 Pandemic, although it sounds paradoxical, has also been an opportunity to make strategic changes. We must think that every crisis has a solution, an expiration date, a life changing experience. At Por Los Niños Bilingual school we have learned to be a lot more organized, punctual, tolerant, and even miss the noisy school environment. We had to make immediate changes and adjustments, urgent alternatives for educational continuity, and seek for the best options as an educational institution, which led to challenges and essential changes to continue giving education to our students.

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Strengthening Families God’s Way

By Lisa Steele, FLM Executive Director

En Español

strengthening familiesIn Psalm 68, we read that God is “a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families.” At Family Life Missions, we have taken this Word as our mission: “To partner with God to set the lonely in families.” We began Family Life Missions 29 years ago providing residential homes for abandoned, orphaned, or vulnerable children through our Por Los Ninos Program. Unlike many organizations worldwide, we adopted a family setting as opposed to an institutional orphanage. We believed this was a better way. And it was.

But we have learned that placing children in actual family settings, whether through reintegrating biological parents, reunification with older siblings or other relatives, or through foster care, allows children to thrive and have fewer long-term struggles when living in a home with family. We believe, along with child welfare experts, that this is the best way.

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Education Transforms!

by Karla Ponce
FLM Director of Holistic Care

En Español

Earlier this month, the verse in James 1:17 came to my mind: "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." It reminds me that all the services that FLM provides through its three programs come from God. And one of these gifts is that God has allowed us to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Por Los Niños School. And these 20 years have been a great gift! We also celebrate God's faithfulness by experiencing the impact of the lives of many children and families in the community of Catacamas.

March blog photo 1As this new year progresses, we continue to grow with God, and we are convinced that God's vision is in the heart of the Por Los Niños school, of reaching generations that honor God and are competently transformed to serve the community, and to generate a transformation in their family and community. This fills me with great joy to know this!

In this new year, we feel challenged to serve our school children of whom many come from single mothers and children under the care of grandmothers (this is a reality within the context of Catacamas). This represents 24% of the population we serve. Several mothers have expressed their joy that their children are receiving a quality bilingual Christian education, where the educational staff are aware not only of the academic part, but of their integral development.

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