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Together is Better

By Lisa Steele
FLM Executive Director

En Español

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.—Ecclesiastes 4:12

together is betterFrom the beginning, God let us know that team work is best. When we work in community, with God, we can accomplish great things. We see that every day in our work at Family Life Missions. Our staff works together (in the US and in Honduras) to serve vulnerable, at-risk and orphaned children and to preserve families and to place foster children in loving, Christian homes. Every month the generous gifts we receive from our supporters in both countries encourage us and allow us to continue this important work. The time, energy, and wisdom that leads our organization through our board of directors reflects a great example of teamwork.

This spirit of teamwork inspired us to form Team68:6. The team members are those who support us through donations, prayers, and service. The name of this team comes from our mission: We partner with God “to place the lonely in families,” a verse we find in Psalm 68:6. Everything we do is deeply rooted in our faith and love for God, His Word, and His love for all of us. Our vision is for hope, health and stability to define the community of Catacamas with the church leading the way. And we are the church. We are the body of Christ that forms a strong cord, deep roots, and a foundation of growth for those who desperately need help in Honduras.

We are launching our Team68:6 campaign this week and want you to join us! If you already support us—thank you! If you want to know how to help or want to help more, we thank you. You will find more information about who we are and what we are doing in Catacamas on our Team68:6 page.

Help us strengthen our cord as we all work together as a team to serve those who need it most.

Together is better.